How to save a marriage that is separated.

Save Your Marriage While Separated

To save your marriage while separated, it’s vital to understand that marital separation, often perceived as a prelude to divorce, can paradoxically become a transformative journey towards a stronger, revitalized relationship.

This guide focuses on detailed strategies for couples navigating this challenging yet potentially rewarding phase.

Reducing Physical Distance: A Strategy for Reconnection

Physical Proximity: A Catalyst for Change: Proximity plays a pivotal role in re-establishing a connection.

If circumstances permit, cohabitating in the same house, albeit in different rooms, can significantly ease the process of reconciliation.

It allows for organic, everyday interactions that can bring a sense of normalcy amidst the turmoil.

In cases where living together isn’t feasible, minimizing geographical distance becomes crucial.

Proximity can lead to spontaneous meet-ups, enabling a gradual rebuild of the relationship.

Importance of Shared Space for Families: For couples with children, maintaining proximity is even more critical.

It ensures that both parents are accessible, providing stability and emotional support to the children during a potentially confusing period.

This also allows for your spouse to see and experience “family time,” which can make him/her more aware of what they would be giving up.

Regular Communication: Key to Maintaining Bonds

Scheduled Interactions as Relationship Scaffolding: Establishing regular times for communication, such as weekly dinners or calls, creates a structured environment for interaction.

This regularity helps in maintaining a connection, providing opportunities to discuss daily life, emotions, and shared interests.

These interactions, though seemingly mundane, can reignite feelings of intimacy and affection with time.

Recreating Dating Dynamics: Approach these meetups as if you are dating again.

Engage in light-hearted conversations, share inside jokes, and recall fond memories.

This approach can remind both parties of the relationship’s happier times, laying the groundwork for deeper emotional reconnection.

Developing a Reunification Plan

Joint Strategy for Reconciliation: Discuss and agree upon a clear plan to end the separation.

This plan should address the underlying issues that led to the separation and outline actionable steps towards resolution.

It’s essential to involve your spouse in this planning process to ensure that both parties are committed to the same goals.

Setting Realistic Expectations and Timelines: Understand that reconciliation is a process that requires time and patience.

Set realistic timelines for achieving the goals outlined in your reunification plan.

The Power of Teamwork to Save Your Marriage While Separated

Collaborative Projects as a Bonding Tool: Engaging in joint activities or projects can rebuild the sense of teamwork that might have eroded during the relationship.

Whether it’s managing household chores, parenting, or working on a shared hobby, these activities can bring a sense of accomplishment and unity.

Celebrating Small Victories Together: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, however small, in your collaborative efforts.

This practice can create positive experiences and memories, strengthening the bond.

Cultivating a Positive Relationship Environment

Steering Clear of Negativity: One of the critical aspects of navigating through separation is the conscious effort to avoid negative interactions.

This could be the most important strategy on the list.

This means steering clear of arguments, blame games, and criticism.

Instead, focus on constructive communication and problem-solving.

Constructive Communication Techniques: Learn and practice effective communication techniques.

This might include active listening, expressing your thoughts and feelings calmly and respectfully, and being open to your spouse’s perspective.

Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

Focus on Personal Development: Use this separation period for self-reflection and personal growth.

Consider what changes you can make to be a better partner.

This might involve working on communication skills, managing emotions better, or addressing any personal issues that have impacted the relationship.

Seeking Professional Help: Sometimes, the guidance of a marriage coach can provide new insights and strategies for dealing with relationship challenges.

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you feel it could benefit your situation (and if you’re wanting to save your marriage during separation, it could).

Planning for a Future Together

Setting Joint Goals: Discuss and set goals for your future together.

This could include plans for living arrangements, managing finances, or even planning vacations.

Having shared goals can give you both something to look forward to and work towards together.

Avoiding Unhelpful Third-Party Advice

During the delicate phase of marital separation, particularly when seeking reconciliation, it is vital to be mindful of the type of advice you consider.

Friends and family, though well-intentioned, rarely provide the beneficial guidance due to several reasons:

Personal Bias and Emotional Involvement: Loved ones are inherently biased towards your well-being, which can skew their perspective.

Their advice might be more about protecting you from hurt, rather than helping you see the broader picture of your marital issues.

In other words, your friends and family are more likely to see your separation as involving a villain and a victim rather than the likely truth of a situation involving differing perspectives.

Limited Scope of Experience: Advice from your inner circle is typically based on their own limited life experiences, which may not be relevant to your unique situation.

Each marriage has its own dynamics, and what works for one couple might not be suitable for another or could even be disasterous.

Potential for Gossip and Interference: If you think this doesn’t happen, I can tell you that it happens a lot!

Sharing your marriage troubles with friends and family might lead to unwanted gossip or interference.

This can severely complicate matters further, especially if such discussions become known to your spouse.

It’s not worth the risk.

Accentuating Negative Feelings: In their support of you, your friends and family might inadvertently focus on negative aspects, such as blame or resentment.

While it’s comforting to have their support, such a viewpoint may not contribute constructively to resolving your marital problems.

In fact, it can lead you to reduce the empathy that you should feel for your spouse which can cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you.

Obstructing Direct Communication with Your Spouse: Relying heavily on advice from others can sometimes prevent you from engaging directly with your spouse.

It can cause you to feel as though breakthroughs and accomplishments are being made which can cause frustration and loss of patience when actually communicating with your spouse.

Effective resolution of issues requires open and honest communication, which is best achieved without external influence.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Conforming to External Expectations: The advice from friends and family might lead you to make decisions based on their expectations rather than your own true feelings.

If I hadn’t seen it happen, I wouldn’t be cautioning you about it.

It’s important to make choices that are genuinely aligned with your values and the specifics of your marital situation.

To save your marriage while separated, consider seeking guidance from neutral, professional sources like a marriage coach.

They can offer impartial, expert advice that is specifically tailored to your situation, facilitating a more constructive approach to understanding and potentially mending your relationship with your spouse.

This professional direction is often more conducive to finding meaningful solutions that respect the intricacies of your marriage.

You can start with my FREE minicourse for saving a marriage.

Marital separation doesn’t necessarily signify the end.

With the right approach, it can be a period of significant growth and healing.

By prioritizing communication, teamwork, and personal growth, and by setting clear plans for the future, couples can emerge from this challenging phase with a stronger, more resilient relationship.

Remember, the key lies in patience, empathy, and a willingness to adapt and grow both individually and as a couple.

Remember to start my free minicourse on saving your marriage right away!


Lee Wilson