Virtual dating tips

3 Important Tips For Virtual Dating

I’d like to thank The List TV for having me on their show. The video turned out great! -Coach Lee

During the lock downs that most people experienced, a lot of people turned to virtual dating since restaurants, movie theaters, and coffee shops were forced to close their doors.

Dating with Facetime, Zoom, Skype or whatever other similar services that can be used for video/virtual dating provides a much more personal touch when compared to messages on an app or website.

It’s even far superior to live chat, but that part is pretty obvious.

A lot of how one could approach virtual dating to have best results revolves around three things:

  • Conversation skills
  • Etiquette
  • Presentation

Conversation Skills

Though I cover this in the video, the basics are that video/virtual dating highlights your ability to carry a conversation.

It’s important to come across well.

To be attractive, interesting, and fun.

Having a pre-written list of things to talk about, stories to tell, questions to ask, etc. can be a terrific thing.

Over time, you can add to that list or remove what doesn’t work.


Though it might seem obvious to most, being a dating coach I hear a lot of interesting (and slightly disturbing stories) of awkward actions on dates and that includes virtual dates.

As I mention in the video above, I’ve heard stories of people seeming distracted by others in the room, eating (when they were the only one), and even using a tooth pick (she had eaten prior to the date and had things stuck in her teeth – needless to say, he didn’t want another virtual date).

Reading a book on etiquette or ask close friends about your own.


Get your lighting right. If the date is at night with no natural light able to come through a window, you need to have another source of lighting.

Ring lights work well and aren’t expensive.

At least take a look at how you appear no screen before the date because you want to be able to highlight your face without looking like you are in a horror flick.

Coach Lee is a relationship coach with twenty years of experience. He is the developer of the Emergency Breakup Kit and the Emergency Marriage Kit.