
Who Invented Cool Kids?

Lee Wilson invented that group at schools known as the “cool kids” in 1994. He realized that he was one of a select few who recognized what being cool was all about so Lee decided that this collection of minds should meet daily away from the watchful eyes of teachers and principals. Therefore he dubbed what is to this day called “the cool table.”  Continue reading


Mark Driscoll Goes After Twilight

It seems like it was only yesterday that we were told the Harry Potter books and movies were going to turn children into witches and warlocks. Mark Driscoll, pastor of the Mars Hill Church, recently went off on the Twilight Saga’s story, success and its fans on his church website. He called Twilight “porn” for teenage girls.

I don’t think he did himself any favors among the masses and, though I like Mark, I think he went overboard and hasn’t actually read the Twilight saga enough to be slamming it the way that he is and making the accusations that he makes. Read More…


Principal Sends Fifth Graders to Kill Copperhead

This really happened. I’m not exaggerating and whatever quotes I make are exactly as I remember them.

A dry Arkansas summer hadn’t yet given up the ghost as my fifth-grade year of school headed into late September. My class and I, along with the two classes below us, were enjoying recess without enough testosterone in our bodies to make us think twice about the sweat that caused our tee shirts to stick to our skin.  Continue reading


Coaches Aren’t Exempt from the Golden Rule

download (20)To all you coaches out there, don’t be jerks to your players. They work their butts off most of the time and if they don’t, then handle it but otherwise, talk to them like human beings. In high school sports I had a few coaches yell at me like I was a dog on a near daily basis and to be honest, if I could go back in time I’d probably bust a few of them in the lip. They had no real power over me, but because I wanted to play basketball, I gave it to them. I shouldn’t have.  Continue reading


Summer Time!

So I’ve learned that Marco Polo can be played double blind. What that means is that at least two people are in a pool and, like in tag, one person is “it.” The “it” person says, “Marco” and everyone else in the pool is supposed to say, “Polo.” The sound guides the person who is “it.” But with double-blind Marco Polo, the person who is it closes his eyes along with everyone else in the pool who’s playing. It takes honesty but if played right requires more strategy but will bring more laughter. Sunscreen is still relevant since it appears that massive ball of fire that’s millions of times the size of earth is still cooking along pretty well. Ice cream is still very difficult to resist. And my next book is almost done. Take care!