In the middle of the night last night I heard, and felt, an explosive boom. With temperatures below zero my first thought was that the pipes had burst. I sprang from my bed and tried to see the cause by opening the window blinds. Nothing. Continue reading
All posts by leewilso
Vampire Deer Not Extinct After All – FOUND
A rare species of deer, whose perhaps most distinctive feature is its pointy, vampire-like fangs, has been rediscovered roaming in the wilderness of Afghanistan more than half a century after last being spotted. Continue reading
Witch bottle found during Newark Civil War Centre dig
A suspected witch bottle has been unearthed by archaeologists during a dig at the site of the new Civil War Centre in Nottinghamshire. Continue reading
They Greased Their Bird Feeder To Keep A Squirrel Away.
These folks had some trouble with a squirrel nabbing the seed from the bird feeder. He’d climb up the pole and steal all the seed, leaving none for the birds. Continue reading
I’m In Shock About Robin Williams
He made me laugh so hard my drink came out my nose. He made me want to cry when his students stood on their desks and said, “Oh captain, my captain.” He brought attention to often ignored rights of fathers in child custody in “Mrs. Doubtfire.” And I first saw him as an alien in Mork and Mindy. Continue reading